Nice little ditty in the Standard Examiner today about our new legislators. (See Here) It covers the hectic life of our new legislators and how they are adjusting to the fast jam packed pace. It is a fun little Standard article. Interestingly Rep. Wilcox had emergency gall bladder surgery and is now being pushed around in a wheel chair. Also Rep. Wallis love his Blackberry to keep caught up. I have to admit, I like my blackberry too. It sounds like they are adjusting and doing their best get things done. We will be following them all closely in the weeks to come.
Also in the Standard yesterday was a nice article summing up some of the higher education woes for Northern Utah. (See Here) Utah State has some creative ways to deal with budget cuts including, a furlough during spring break and small pay cuts. However I was surprised that Weber State still had no plan on how it would handle the cuts. Did they think it wouldn't happen?
There is a little news round up for you, more local and legislative posts to come.
Weber State needs to cut some middle management; they are way to top heavy. If you want to look yourself go to
This is a great website - thanks for the link.
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