Twice a year the LDS church holds a conference in Salt Lake City. This brings scores of people to temple square. Some of these people attending are not of the LDS faith; instead are of other faiths and their desire is to preach and demonstrate their faith. In the past this used to be very chaotic in nature, many times ending up in physical confrontations between LDS members and other religious groups. Whom started the fights are not important, just that they happened. In the end, areas in Salt Lake have been deemed as Free Speech Zones allowing these groups to congregate and protest. They are not allowed to do so outside of these areas. You may remember something similar happening during the Olympics.
Looks like Greiner's bill is all but passed and signed by the Senate, but if you wanted to make it constitutional for every Gang Free Zone that is created, a Free Speech Zone needs to be designated giving the gangs a place to go. This way they have a place to express themselves in the ways they see fit with in the confines of the law. Until this happens, this bill (new law) is unconstitutional.
Nice try. I like the effort. This is a bad bill. I am just having a hard time figuring out the why, when it comes to this bill. Does Greiner want this bill so people will go to downtown Ogden? What other reasons? How can the police prove this is a gang? Do they have membership cards? IM LOST...... PLEASE HELP
It was worth a shot, my solution is absurd and so is this bill. I hope the Gov. sees so and veto's it.
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