Tonight is the South Ogden Days parade and will have a great time watching the parade from 40th street.
For more info go to the South Ogden Website
Suggestions for next years 5k:
Having organized a number of 5k in the past, I know how hard it is to put these together. The new chips that they used were awesome and made the results very easy to produce.
- But nothing is worse than starting late. It says a lot about your organization if you can't start on time. For two years in a row this event has started nearly 20 minutes late.
- There is no clear starting point marked.
- Route maps should be on the website so we can see where we are going.
- The route maps should be correctly drawn. They had to split the first place runners because one person went the wrong way. Top runners will run this in 13 or 14 minutes. You don't have time to sit down and have a coke after the race starts. You need to go straight and setup your finish line.
- For the second year in a row, the random number generator they used for drawings chose the same name about 10 times. Just do a drawing.
- The prizes were odd this year. Bird House making books and free bags of coffee. Maybe we should win health and fitness related prizes? This is a fitness related event, but anything is better then the free McDonald's gift certificates from last year.
- Registration should not be in the Bowery, there is not enough room. Move it to an open area so people can move around.
- Parking was crazy as usual.