The following is one of many possible conversations Sen. Curt Bramble could have had in deciding to write SB 199:
Constituent: Sen. Bramble, how is the legislature going?
Sen. Bramble: Going well, but I am running out of good ideas for my own legislation. How are you doing?
Constituent: We are doing okay; we are on our way to pay our $5 PTA dues.
Sen. Bramble: $5 PTA dues?
Constituent: Yes, every year we have to pay $5 to our local PTA? It is so expensive!
Sen. Bramble: Why do they charge dues?
Constituent: Well they need money for training, conferences, workshops, supplies, and newsletters. Then the PTA in turn votes as a council to push issues in the community, state and nation to help better education. Not to mention all the fundraising they do to put thousands of dollars into the school system. Accomplishing all of this takes money.
Sen. Bramble: This is horrible idea! They should be able to do that for free, not charge $5.
Constituent: Oh some PTAs charge more, try $7 and other PTAs charge fees of only $1.
Sen. Bramble: I can't believe this, this injustice! We need to change this!
Constituent: Well are you ready for the kicker? Not all of the dues go to Utah PTAs. We send, on average, $1.75 to the National PTA.
Sen. Bramble: That is it! I can't take this anymore. I am going to write legislation that BANS the PTA from all schools; unless they are willing to get rid of these ridicules dues. If that means your schools loses out on valuable supplies, fundraising dollars and parent participation; then so be it. But we can't continue to have an institution like this running in Utah. Who cares if we are last in per pupil spending, the PTA has to go.
If you think this conversation is absurd, read SB 199. (See Here)
Ben Joe you are losing it...
thanks for a good laugh tonight. SB 199 mostly makes me feel sick - so i needed this! :)
@G'n'R Lives - I know it.
@Alisonwonderland - Glad you enjoyed it. My wife thought I was crazy when I came up with the idea, but it was still fun. But you have to think how he came up with this bill, If this wasn't the reason then we have to believe he is out to get the PTA.
I try to think the best of people, but sometimes it's so dang hard!
Thanks for the laugh!
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