Blogging about what I see from where ever I sit in the world. Started in Utah, 10+ years in Latin America, and now back in Utah.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Strate to the Point: A few thoughts about Utility Rates
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
New Council Member is....
The votes are in and he was the CLEAR winner in the 3rd seat.
Here are the totals:
9.7% voter turn out
- Sallee Orr - 569 votes
- Wayne Smith - 476
- Brent Strate - 415
- Kelly Zaugg - 306
- Rick Westmoreland - 255
- Mike Jacobazzi - 132
It is clear who the winners and I'm excited for the new council. Brent Strate ran amazing campaign and did it right. Make sure you continue to check out his blog and I expect great things!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
South Ogden City Election Results
So far nothing, but soon...very soon we shall see who wins.
Election Day! Where to Vote?
It is easy!
- Precinct 1 - 6 you will vote at City Hall. This is for everyone north of 4800/5100 South.
- Precinct 7-12 you will vote at the South Ogden Jr High Gym (Someone has to use it)
Polls open at 7 am and will stay open until 8 pm.
Once again I welcome you to read some of my posts about the election and wish everyone good luck
Monday, November 7, 2011
Who to vote for?
A number of candidates made attempts to reach out to me and I was not able to talk to all of them. However I have been impressed with Brent Strate and his understanding on the issues and desire to serve. Therefore I am endorsing him for city council along with Wayne Smith and Sallee Orr.
I wish all the candidates well tomorrow and I hope you all go out and vote. My blog has plenty of info regarding each of the people I am endorsing.
Thanks for reading.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
South Ogden City Council Elections
A veteran teacher of finance and financial literacy at Bonneville High School, Strate, 45, is wary about recently implemented utility rate increases and how they've affected entrepreneurship in the city.
"I'm concerned about the impact on just a few businesses that I thought were a little too much as far as the utility rate increases," he said. "Of course, some of that was necessary, but I think the top rates are a little too progressive."
A few area businesses that use large amounts of water have been met with drastically increased rates -- especially when compared with other cities -- a fact Strate said could discourage certain owners from coming to South Ogden.
He cites his ability to evaluate situations from a cost- benefit analysis and to ask insightful questions as his strengths when it comes to sitting on the council.
This is the kind of person we need on the council! I have been saying these things for years and I am excited to see someone coming with this kind of thinking. Please read this article and also check out Brent Strate's blog at
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Traffic School Loop Hole - South Ogden in trouble?
The Salt Lake Tribune has begun running a series of articles regarding the issue and we are following it close. Here is the latest about this issue: See Here
Interesting part is when Mayor Minster explains they canceled the program but at the same time there is nothing wrong with it. The article above states:
"South Ogden Mayor James F. Minster said the city stopped issuing invites to traffic school several months ago and "we’re not going to go back to it." Minster, however, defended the practice. "In reality, it really doesn’t matter," he said. "It was a way for people that wanted to keep their record clean. ... It’s no different than going down to the court and putting the charge in abeyance. It doesn’t go on your record. It’s just a different way of doing it."That kind of sounds like a contradiction to me. Like saying, "I stopped stealing for no reason, but really I could have kept going if I wanted to do because there is no problem with it."
Interesting to see how this will play out with this and future elections.
My wife went through this, she got a traffic ticket and was told she had to pay for school or pay for the ticket. She felt pressured into taking the traffic course and it ended up being a waste of a class. The teacher showed late and he said he wasn't feeling well. He answered traffic questions for 45 minutes and then dismissed everyone.
Comments welcome.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Rick Westmoreland says "I told you so"
You can read the whole article here: See Here.
Just remember Rick told us all first nearly 2 years ago...could be a win for him in this close city council race.
Also most recently they updated the traffic school policy so more people could take it, more often. Now we know why. It was a big MONEY MAKER!
For more info see my past blog posts from January regarding this issue here.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
South Ogden City Election Results
My prediction of "Skip" being eliminated was correct. I am surprised how close the race is between Strate and Zaugg.
Here is the breakdown:
Total Votes 1479 - 6.87% voted - Ouch!
- Michael Jacobazzi 83 5.61%
- Sallee Orr 383 25.90%
- Marvin (Skip) Sexton 52 3.52%
- Wayne M. Smith 326 22.04%
- Brent Strate 211 14.27%
- Rick T. Westmoreland 179 12.10%
- Kelly R. Zaugg 245 16.57%
In a nutshell here are the rankings:
1st - Salle Orr
2nd - Wayne Smith
3rd - Kelly R. Zaugg
4th - Brent Strate
5th - Rick Westmoreland
6th - Michael Jacobazzi
If Michael has any chance he will have to do a lot of work, honestly I am almost counting him out. So right now it is Kelly's to lose he will need to keep his nose clean and watch out for negative attacks. Strate is close and Westmoreland is behind him; however Rick will have the most ground to make up and will need to bridge the gap between his regular constituents and branch out to new ones. His campaigning will have to go the next level and be more than asking for donations on facebook. Strate really hit the streets, probably did the most door to door out of anyone. If he keeps that up he will pass Zaugg. I think some key endorsements would help, just depends on how much he is willing to spend to get out there. Primary voters are way different than general election voters, and even worse during a municipal election.
More to come and comments welcome.
South Ogden Primary Elections Today!
Polls are open until 8pm tonight!
One more time here are some candidate info from the Standard Examiner:
Also here is my blog post on the candidates:
Monday, September 12, 2011
Thoughts about South Ogden Primary Candidates
Sallee Orr - Personally like Sallee Orr. She has had lots of guts to stand up for what she believes on the council. The number of meetings I have attended I have seen her time and time again go against the grain. Not to mention she has stood behind many great causes including a cross walk on Highway 89.
Wayne Smith - He has been a strong presence on the council as well and has brought a much needed connection to the public safety side of things. He and I have spoken many times about the community and he will continue to do well.
South Ogden Primary Election Tuesday
- Sallee Orr - Incumbent
- Wayne Smith - Incumbent
- Rick Westmoreland
- Kelly Zaugg
- Mike Jacobazzi
- Brent Strate
- Marvin "Skip" Sexton
Friday, August 12, 2011
Urban Forestry Commission Meeting 8/11/2011
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Manti La Sal National Forest - Going Down Hill?
This year was different. Our usually camp site is off the beaten path near a small reservoir called Gooseberry. For years it was one of the most quite and secluded locations ever. This year it was crawling with ATVs, fisherman, kids, dogs and criminals. The bathroom was dirty and trashed. Trash was everywhere. Parties were held into the night. It was so bad we decided to leave earlier than intended. As we went to hook my father's trailer we realized his $600 trailer hitch had been stolen. Seriously! Who steals a trailer hitch! Fortunately we were able to get a new one in Fairview, UT and pull the trailer home. But it was so disappointing.
My childhood adventure location has now been spoiled. Perhaps for good. The rangers were no help either. They promised to come and file a report, but forgot to come. The spent most of their time writing tickers for unlicensed ATVs that drove by every 5 minutes. Next year we will probably be looking for a new place.
What has happened to our society to care so less for nature and for those around us?
Comments Welcome
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Dear Mr. Hatch - Please Resign.
This week I received an email from you on why you voted "No" to the debt ceiling increase. Your reasoning was two fold: No Balance Budget Amendment and No Improvement to Credit Rating. It is obvious to everyone how hard you are trying to appeal to the new conservative Tea Party movement. In reality your attempts come off as pathetic and disappointing.
In 1977 you became our senator, this was two years before I was born. My first political campaign event I attended was walking in a Senator Orrin Hatch parade float in Nephi, Utah at age 12. My mother wrote you a letter about issues when I was 10 and received a hand written response. Needless to say, I have been a fan. 30 years ago you chose a path, a way of thinking, a style of leadership. This style has served you and all of us well for many years. You quickly rose to power and popularity, you were in your element. Now you are trying to change who you are to stay in office. Why change Orrin? If you really believe in Utah, if you really believe in United States, leave with honor. If you are defeated even half as bad as your colleague Bob Bennett your years of services will be remembered by my generation as the "guy who got kicked out," instead of the senator who served our state.
Senator, when you beat Senator Moss in 1977 your top campaign issue was that Moss had lost touch with his constituents having been in office nearly 18 years. You are now double Moss's time in office and your constituents ideology has changed and beliefs have evolved. You are now out of touch with your constituents. Don't feel bad, when you are in office this long it happens. Constituents change, realize you have been in office for more than two generations of constituents. It was inevitable for these generations to change in thinking as each generation tends to do. You have fallen victim to the same issues that plagued Senator Moss. No one remembers Moss any more. Don't let this happen to you.
Senator Hatch you should retire. Endorse a candidate and help this person and Senator Mike Lee get the most out of their time in office. Stop making a fool of yourself pretending to be a Tea Party originator and stick to your guns of who you are and having been in office for 30+ years, then bow out gracefully. I don't agree with all the Tea Party ideals, but I would hate to see what happened Senator Bennett and Senator Moss happen to you.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
The Debt Ceiling and Is Mike Lee Really a Tea Party Member
President Obama found himself in a difficult situation being pinned to the wall by angry Republicans that wanted to cut spending on government. Never mind the fact they voted for most of these tax cuts and spending increases over the past 12 years, but now it is suddenly a big issue.
In the end, no one has really won. GOP Republicans settled, but alienated tea party voters for failure to cut, cap and balance. President Obama lost political capital that if he had better advisers, he should have seen this coming 7 months ago when they renewed the tax cuts. (Then again this seems to be a trend for him)
The only people who really won in this fight is the factioned tea party. They now have a new cause to re-unify themselves. For awhile tea party activists have been finding themselves divided and lost. The idea of cut. cap and balance has focused them again on a single cause. But you need to look closer into the So-Called Tea Party Members. Some are playing the fence very closely. Senator Orrin Hatch is clearly one of those. He voted for the last five debt ceiling raises but now all of the sudden he cares about balanced budgets. But I want to also point my attention to Senator Mike Lee.
Senator Mike Lee's new book, The Freedom Agenda: Why a Balanced Budget Amendment is Necessary to Restore Constitutional Government
"Congress has been far too willing to increase the debt ceiling, a maneuver that presidents and legislative leaders regularly secure through their jeremiads that failing to do so will lead to catastrophe. These claims, in fact, have an element of truth, in that uncertainty and disorder would likely ensue if Congress refused to raise the debt ceiling without first changing the way it spends money."However the main stream Tea Party philosophy has evolved to this cut, cap and balance idea. Meaning Cut the spending, Cap the deficit and Balance the budget. Many Tea Party legislators voted against the new debt plan including Senator Mike Lee. However later in his book he says the following regarding such a vote:
Lee, Mike (2011-07-18). The Freedom Agenda: Why a Balanced Budget Amendment is Necessary to Restore Constitutional Government (pp. 70-71). Regnery Publishing.
"Thus, it would be risky and even irresponsible for Congress to refuse to raise the debt ceiling as a means of “forcing” a balanced budget overnight. In addition to causing countless practical problems affecting hundreds of millions of Americans..."In addition to this he said:
Lee, Mike (2011-07-18). The Freedom Agenda: Why a Balanced Budget Amendment is Necessary to Restore Constitutional Government (p. 71). Regnery Publishing.
"The most risky aspect of not raising the debt ceiling is this: at a time when 43 percent of our annual budget relies on borrowed money, no one knows exactly what would happen if the government suddenly had to stop borrowing. This helps to explain why Congress routinely votes to raise the debt ceiling: though irresponsible, the decision is perceived as less irresponsible than refusing to raise the debt ceiling and potentially plunging the entire federal government into chaos."To his fairness he goes on to explain that we would be irresponsible to borrow because it would make us look bad, even though he has also said to not borrow would make us look bad.
Lee, Mike (2011-07-18). The Freedom Agenda: Why a Balanced Budget Amendment is Necessary to Restore Constitutional Government (p. 71-72). Regnery Publishing.
I will break it down. On one side of his mouth he says, It would be bad because it could hurt millions of Americans, on the other side he says it would be bad because it will hurt our credit.
You choose which one to follow?
Either way, his final vote was no, because spending cuts are not good enough, he said. This was his way of playing the fence but not 100 percent agreeing with his Tea Party folks. Remember, he said forcing a balance budget amendment with the debt ceiling is the wrong way to go and voting against would be bad for millions of Americans. Yet he voted against it, because his New Reunified Tea Party told him so. In reality he got nearly $3 trillion in cuts but it wasn't enough. Why? Because the tea party told him so. Watch him closely, he is bending with the wind as the tea party movement continues to shape itself.
Comments always welcome.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Dean Larson for Mayor - Endorsement for a Neighboring City
I highly recommend you check out his blog and website if you live there or around Uintah. He is your best choice for mayor and encourage you to vote for him.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
What we can learn from Brazil and their Credit Bubble
- 22 percent of Brazilians are already in default with their debt. This is expected to increase to 28 percent by the end of 2011
- Inflation is now 6.71 percent above the 6.5 percent inflation ceiling. Not good for the poorer people of Brazil.
- Spending is going down, now people can't afford anything. The economy grew 7.5 percent last year but will slow to 4 percent this year.
What does all this spell? T-R-O-U-B-L-E
What can we learn from this? Two things, borrowing to grow the economy is not the answer. Making credit and loans easier for people to get is not the answer. Granted Brazil does have insane interest rates; yet it is still the issue of people buying things they really don't have the money for. Again, debt is not the answer.
I welcome your comments, is more debt really the answer? With the current economic questions in the United States about the debt ceiling and taking on more debt, we have to wonder are we headed the wrong direction?
Monday, July 18, 2011
South Ogden Soldier Dies in Afghanistan
According to the article, Raphael Arruda had joined the Army in 2008 and was serving in Afghanistan. An explosive device went off and Raphael Arruda died from the blunt-force trauma that the blast caused.
I want to say thank you to Raphael for protecting this great country. Though I have never met you, you lived not far from my house. To the parents, I promise your loss is felt and you are in our prayers.
God Bless
Friday, July 15, 2011
Michael Ames and The Raymond Attack - What Really Happened.
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You can see the dent left in the fridge from the bat |
“I looked down at the kids and they were crying, I was crying hysterically then something snapped. I need to pull myself together. These kids are watching me. I needed to say a prayer, which is really hard to do in a situation like this. I prayed: Heavenly Father, please just bless us. Instantly everything began to be better. I stopped crying and we got the kids playing with some toys and things began to calm down.”
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Urban Forestry Commission Fails To Function
People, it is the same time EACH MONTH! We would have more agenda items if we could meet and set new goals. We can meet and set new goals because the dang tree inventory hasn't been done for 5 years!
People of South Ogden, this is a major fail!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
South Ogden Days
Overall, after my rant, we still had fun. My parents placed in their categories and Delena won the grand prize. A Free 6 month's family membership to the club.
More events to come! This Saturday is the parade which always is exciting. Honestly South Ogden does a good job, I am just OCD when it comes to events starting on time.
I haven't posted as often lately....why, well I am starting a new job. There will be more to post about this later.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
South Ogden Drug Dealer Changes Plea to Guilty
Looks like he could possibly get 10 years to life, but we will need to wait until September for that.
See more here:
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Suspected Drug Dealer from South Ogden Pleads Not Guilty
For those keeping up on this story, you can see KSL has some new info on their website. Adilson Antonio Reyes, who is accused of transporting nearly $6.6 Million worth of Cocaine has plead not guilty to drug trafficking.
It will be interesting to see how they prove this one. See more from
Friday, April 22, 2011
South Ogden Robbery/Shooting Suspect Booked via @BenWinslow
Here is the mug shot:
This is Ben Winslow's tweet:
Michael Ames booked on robbery, burglary, assault, kidnapping and evading. Here's his mugshot: @fox13now #Utah
Good to hear, Thanks Ben.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Noall Knighton Weber County GOP Vice-Chair
Noall Knighton is running and I know he would be perfect for the job. I have served under his leadership in the Leg District and I have been very impressed with his dedication to the party and leadership skills.
Here is his resume:
Party Experience:
State Delegate
County DelegateMember of the Central Committee of WC Republican
PartyChair of Leg 10
Vice Chair of Leg 10
Precinct ChairCo-Chair for state party golf tournament
Held fund raisers for local candidates
Hosted a campaign kick-off fund raiser for Rep. Wallis to unset a 6 term democrat
Volunteered at the WCR Party Booth at the County Fair
Walked neighborhoods to support GOP candidates
Community ExperiencePresident of Breakfast Exchange Club
President of Utah Opticians Association
President of Ogden Golf and Country Club
Party contact to Weber 9/12 group
Professional ExperiencePresident of Knighton Optical
Development Director at Ogden/Weber Applied Tech College
Business Broker at United Business Brokers
Fledgling career as a billboard modelPersonalMarried to Julie Knighton ( Thanks to her high tolorance and low expectation, that has lasted over 30 years)
Two sons, Eric and Alex
Mother is Ellen, who we are blessed to have live in our home
Hobbies include golf, photography, and reading
Favorite book read of all time: Atlas Shrugged (The Movie is great!)
Photographer for the Ogden Raptors
Host family for Ogden Raptors
PoliticsI believe the US Constitution outlines the role of the federal government. I have a strong belief that we should follow those principals.
I am a strong supporter of the free enterprise system and support efforts to eliminate government from competition with the private sector.Favorite quote: The government that governs best is the government that governs least
Political decisions are best when made closest to the people.
You can contact him at or (801) 726-9944
I hope to see you support Noall this weekend. Even it is just to vote and then go to an Easter Egg hunt.
Comments welcome
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Where did Arbor Day come from?
In 1855, a man named Julius Sterling Morton moved to Nebraska City, Nebraska with his new bride Caroline. Quickly his new family began to miss the lush forests of the east coast, and along with other settlers, began planting trees. By 1858 he had planted an apple orchard and many other trees and shrubs on his 150 acre property. He quickly realized the Nebraska soil was very suitable for tree planting and began pushing for more. As more and more settlers moved to the area, there was more need for trees for homes, shade and fuel. Mortan began publishing articles in his newspaper calling for all settlers to plant trees on their property.
Mr. Mortan had worked in the Grover Cleveland administration as the 3rd Secretary of Agriculture and was well respected as an agriculturalists. He spent much of his time teaching farmers the most modern techniques in farming and forestry. By 1872 he was now a member of the Nebraska Board of Agriculture and began pushing for a special day to plant trees in the state. Mortan offered $100 ($1800 in 2010) to the county which could plant the most trees and $25 ($450 in 2010) and a complete farm library to the person who could do the same. With this reward available, the first Arbor Day on April 10th 1972 was a huge success. Nearly 1 Million trees were planted in the state. Other states and countries began to follow the example making Arbor Day a world wide event.
Since the first Arbor Day, the event has expanded to 36 countries and has promoted environmental awareness and unity. Upon Mr. Mortan's death in 1902, President Cleveland dedicated his home as Arbor Lodge. The national marker has one of Mr. Mortan's quotes, "Other holidays repose upon the past - Arbor Day proposes for the future."
We look forward to seeing you all this year at the South Ogden Arbor Day events. Remember you can help plant trees on Friday at 10 am at the Club Heights Park or 4 pm at the Glasmann Park. Also you can take the Arbor Day Quiz and have a chance to win a $25 Costco Gift Card. See Here:
Comments welcome.
Monday, April 18, 2011
South Ogden Arbor Day - This Friday - $25 Costco Giveaway
Quiz: First, there will be an informal survey/quiz to test the Arbor Day knowledge of the local residents. Two lucky participants will have a chance to win a $25 Costco Gift Card to buy things for their garden. No need to get all the correct answers, just take the quiz and email when you are done. Email can be found in the quiz.
You can find the quiz link here:
Tree Planting: There are two tree plantings scheduled for that day. First they will be planting trees at 10 am at the Club Heights Park. Second trees will be planted at Glasmann Park at 4 pm. All residents of South Ogden are invited to come and help plant the trees. There will be some local scout troops there as well.
Through out this week I hope to post some facts and info about Arbor Day. They may help you get a better score on the quiz.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
More Photos from the SPJ9
He sent me along these photos. If you get a chance, check out his photography business and some of his amazing photos: Thank Bryan for the photos.
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Courtesy of Lighting Bryan Photography |
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Courtesy of Lighting Bryan Photography |
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Courtesy of Lighting Bryan Photography |
South Ogden Photos Needed
Contact Councilmember Russ Porter at or 801-479-7216
See the Standard Examiner's blurb on the topic as well:
Monday, April 11, 2011
Is South Ogden budget crisis over.
According to the article, Matt Dixon said:
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Is Blogging Journalism?
Right out of the gate, the journalists went on the offense to call out bloggers for not being real journalists. The reasons, according to Don, were simple: We do not have ethics nor standards. But when Eric and I explained the ethics and standards we had imposed on ourselves, the journalists began to twist their own words to explain because we do not have editors we are not real journalists. When we offered to have editors edit our work, they began to twist their words again. Finally they said some bloggers could be journalists; however when the crowd jumped on this new revelation the quickly returned to the fact we didn't have ethics and we are lacking a publisher.
In the end it appeared because we had not journalists because we have not paid our dues as starving reporters with mean editors throwing ashtrays at our head. The audience was clearly on our side and it was fun to be involved in such a healthy debate. But the journalists will need to realize that blogging and traditional reporting will continue to merge until a hybrid model exists. The old ways of becoming a journalists are changing and blogs have helped make that happen. In my opinion, true blogging can be and is journalism.
I am reminded of this famous quote from an internal Western Union memo from 1876:
"This 'telephone' has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us."Traditional Journalists need to remember these words as blogging continues to advance. Western Union could have been the phone company but refused to adapt or move with the future.
In reality about half of what I do is journalism. A lot of it is distribution of information and editorial writing. But many times this blog has broken news or reported information for the people of South Ogden. Either way I enjoy what I do and have appreciated all of your support.
Thanks to Ben Winslow for the invite, I had lots of fun.
See more from the USU blog and SPJ 9 blog (photos).
Comments welcome.
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Photo from the Website Left to Right - Eric Ethington, Me, Don Meyers, Jim Fisher |
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Police release name of Raymond Shooting suspect. - Salt Lake Tribune
The report says he has a long criminal history of drugs, alcohol, disorderly conduct, and assault charges. More than likely we will be adding more.
Just another day on Crazy Raymond Avenue.
Fox 13 also has released their report: See Here
Friday, March 25, 2011
Raymond Avenue in Shock - But Recovering
- Fox 13 News
- ABC 4 News Report
- KSL's Report (They report it happened in Roy instead of South Ogden #fail)
- Salt Lake Tribune Article
- Standard Examiner
- Channel 2 - Had a great report but they don't update their website.
- Associated Press
More On Shooting On Raymond
I am glad everyone on the street is safe.
Potential Bullet Hole! |
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Here you can see the suspects footprints in the snow as he ran through the yard |
Shooting on Raymond Avenue
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Flip Flop or True Change on HB 477
Have a number of our legislators really learned this is a horrible bill or are they worried about the political fallout this will cause them?
Just to be reminded, this is who voted for the ORIGINAL BILL in the House:
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Original HB 477 Vote |
When the Senate recalled (not repealed) the law to amend it to start in July, all of the sudden people were voting against it. Were House Members voting against because they knew they had made a mistake or did they just not like the July 1st date? Where they feeling the heat or did they really think this was a bad bill?
Any representative that tells me they voted against the final passing is not being truthful if the voted for the original bill. The only reason they even got another vote was because the Senate recalled the bill. Without the recall, they House would have moved on.
I remember well when Senator Kerry said, “I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it.”
Here is how the vote went for the "recalled amended" version in the House:
Amended HB 477 Vote |
Not much of a change, was there? 19 votes in total switched to NAYS. Are these political flip floppers or people who really have changed their mind?
In Rep. Wimmer’s case, I think it is a Flip Flop. Why? Because I have been personally been attacked by Mr. Wimmer for voicing my opinion to him. Mr. Wimmer only has political ambition in mind and in reality could care less about anything else. Why else would he constantly tweet, text and push to be in the papers about being an advocate for repeal. When he VOTED for it in the first place.
As for the rest, only time will tell. Personally I am disappointed in all of them. What a waste of a 2011 legislature. Cats, Guns, and Text Messages. What highlights!
Comments welcome.
Monday, March 14, 2011
South Ogden Recreation Scholarship Created
A program that was created by our City Council has flown under the radar for the past few weeks. Report Gentry Reinhart, Standard Examiner, has done a nice job explaining this new program and what it means to South Ogden. Last year the recreation administration officials proposed a 50 percent increase in fees when parents use Medicare or Medicaid to register a child. So to help offset the cost a scholarship fund has been created to help those who need it.
How does the scholarship fund get its funds?
Simple. When you register your child there is now an option to donate a little extra to go towards the fund. Also as business contact the city about donating money, business will also be able to donate directly to the fund.
How do you get a scholarship?
You must fill out an application with South Ogden Rec. and provide a valid Medicare or Medicaid card.
When will this start?
Starting with baseball season, you will be able to begin donating. I assume you will be able to register for the scholarship around this same time.
This is a great program that brings communities together, great job South Ogden.
Read Gentry’s full article here:
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Urban Forestry Commission - Arbor Day Plans
Arbor Day is coming up on April 22nd and our Urban Forestry Commission is gearing up with plans to celebrate. We are not ready to announce our final plans but I promise it will be great and will include, prizes, contests, and tree planting. Should be a great event and I am excited to be apart of it.
Mark your calendars on April 22nd to help us plant trees. We are tentatively planning for 10 am and 5 pm. More to come. Also look out for some future posts on what Arbor Day is and why we celebrate it.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
HB 477 Will be the Law.
Last night, Governor Herbert ignored our calls. He signed HB 477 into law. The Senate earlier this week recalled and delayed the law so it now will not go into effect until July 1st. With the promise of a special session to fix the bill. I promise you nothing will change. Either way this is a lose/lose for Utah. We are now the less democratic state in America. We might as well succeed from the Union, put the M1911 on the flag and call it a day. We are laughing stock across the nation.
Read more here:
Monday, March 7, 2011
HB 477 - A real disappointment
But our amazing legislature has now restricted this access to GRAMA by passing HB 477 (via Big Brother Rep John Dougall, R-Highland) . This would restrict the access of Utah Taxpayers to our legislators text messages, voice mails, instant messages, and video chats. It is waiting on Governor Herbert's desk to sign.
Their argument is GRAMA requests take up time and money. Though I agree they do, it sounds like we need to create a more efficient system in making GRAMA requests and gathering the info, not eliminate the idea all together. If we claim we want a transparent government that is accountable, then why are we now restricting it and making it secret.
So who voted for it in our area: (Yea that is about everyone)
- Brad J. Galvez (R) - House District 6
- Ryan D. Wilcox (R) - House District 7
- Gage Froerer (R) - House District 8
- Jeremy A. Peterson (R) - House District 9
- Dixon M. Pitcher (R) - House District 10
- Brad L. Dee (R) - House District 11
- Richard A. Greenwood (R) - House District 12
- Stuart Reid (R?) - Senate District 18
- Allen Christensen (R) - Senate District 19
- Scott Jenkins (R) - Senate District 20
What a real disappointment. Instead of working on ways to improve education, create jobs or even help Utah be amazing, we can now shoot cats in front of schools with an M1911 and as long as I only tell people via Text Message know one will ever find out.
See More Here:
Friday, February 18, 2011
South Ogden City Youth Council Position Open
If you or child has an interest in city government and would like the opportunity to learn more, this may be the place to start. Applications will be available at the South Ogden Police Department and will need to be returned to the Police Department, 3950 S. Adams Ave., no later than 5 p.m. Feb. 28th.
There is a $10 refundable filing fee. Space is very limited.
Youths must be in 9th-12th grade at the beginning of the upcoming school year and a resident of South Ogden. For more information, contact Cindee Paulsen, 801-622-2804.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Secondary Water Meter - Weber Basin - City Council Meeting 2-15-2011
However, I think we can all read between the lines on this one and see what the real purpose is. Once the meters are in place, they will quickly be able to determine how much they could charge the individual user and make bigger profit than they are now. Currently we pay for secondary water through our taxes, but we could be moving to a consumption based system very soon.
Realize not everyone one is on Weber Basin Water. I personally am on Pine View Water. But I promise Pine View will not be far behind when they realize what is happening.
So the real question is this, how do you want to pay for your water? Do you want a consumption tax or a flat fee? Consumption is coming...just watch. I am sure we will be discussing this again.
Comments always welcome.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Wasatch Constables are coming to South Ogden - City Council Meeting 2-15-2011
When South Ogden City Police issues a citation in our city and you fail to pay it, no one comes to your door asking for the money. Often this money goes down as potentially lost revenue to the city. In 2010 alone the city has missed out on potentially $500,000 in warrants that have gone unpaid. This is where Wasatch Constables comes in.
Wasatch Constables is a fully empowered peace officer who has been given "Special Functions" as an officer. They are not tasked with everyday police work but instead provides services such as process serving, bailiff duties, transport prisoners, seize property, enforce writs and effects service of arrest warrants. South Ogden has entered into a contract with them to help enforce these warrants and help collect the more than $500,000 in uncollected revenue. They will either collect the money or take the offender to jail.
Tony Alarid, Chief Deputy for Wasatch Constables, spoke with me about the services they provide and what this meant for the city.
"The numbers are there, this will be a success for South Ogden," Mr. Alarid said, "We serve Riverdale and Ogden and have seen lots of success. Most people thought we weren't serious when we started. They didn't think we would really knock on doors. But once we started, people started coming in voluntarily to pay their fines. People's parents even started coming for them to pay. They didn't want their kids to get arrested. You are going to see these same results in South Ogden."As you can see this is a WIN-WIN for South Ogden. Wasatch Constables only gets paid when they collect a fine or make an arrest. Their goal is to prioritize our list of offenders and go after of them, hitting repeat offenders first. They can take payment on the spot or take you to jail. Heck they can even take credit cards. If you can't be found they can even do Skip Traces for those who have tried to hide.
Since these constables go through all the same training and certifications as the police, and fully insured and bonded, I don't see how we can lose with this.
All I can say is beware to criminals and those who have an unpaid warrants. Wasatch Constables are coming for you.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
City Council Meeting Tonight
But here is the agenda:
Down with KUED!
Here we have another example of Utah County Republican legislators wanting to control everything in Utah. KUED gets around $2 million in funding but the rest (nearly $7 million) comes from donations. Mr. Herrod hates this idea and wants to control it all.
New South Ogden City Website
I was able to get an advance look last week but was sworn to secrecy. So I have been eagerly waiting for it this week. The new website is much more visually appealing and has faster links. Some of the content is still being worked on, but apparently we have moved the website development in-house to make it easier to customize. As I have played around with the website I have found a number of broken links, but I am sure they are still working on it.
It is great to see South Ogden move it's website into 2010 and I know the citizens of this city will love the new resources that are available. The website needs some work and fine tuning. The opening images load and move too fast. But it is a great start.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Savings Saturday - Using Video for your Business - Guest Blogger Mike Brice
You don't have to be a Hollywood director or have a Sundance film quality submission to post video on your website.
In fact, you want your video to be authentic, which means it should have all the polish of the blockbuster movies.
The tools are simple. A pocket video camera such as the Flip or Kodak Playtouch, basic video editing such as iMovie or Windows Movie Maker (or even the software that came with camera), and a YouTube account and website.
You can always improve your video with better sound, better lighting, and using a script to reduce the awkward pauses, but the key is to get started.
See perfection isn't the measure of success. Doing is the measure of success. If you want until you have everything in place, you will never accomplish anything. And to that means, I am offering Ogden-area businesses a free video, and a free instructional course as part of that video making process. The video can be placed on your website to showcase something about your business, and you will have the skills to do future videos.
This is a limited time offer - based on my schedule - but I hope to get several businesses up and running. Of course, because I am not completely altruistic, I imagine that at some point in the future I may sell these same services to businesses, but for right now I am offering them for free.
You can see a couple of quick examples here:
- Video about an event: Model Railroad Show -
- Profile video: Railroad collector -
Other community videos:
- Ogden Marathon Expo:
- Ogden Marathon:
If you are interested in using video to tell your story, please contact me through my website at
Mike Brice is a local Ogden Blogger, Videographer, Social Media Guru and PR Specialist. His expertise can help any business be successful. I recommend you take him up on this free offer.