One of the conversations that has begun, as of late, on our street is the school bus stop. Before you have children this is not something you think much about. Once your have children you begin to have conversations you never dreamed people had; however simple or trivial one of these conversations maybe, each one can be very important to you and your family's life. The conversation of a school bus stop is just such a conversation.
As the
Raymond Ave. project moves a long, people have begun to wonder how the school bus will be able to get to our street and will we have a sidewalk to accommodate our children/students. The bus, in the past, has stopped on the corner of Carney and Raymond; unfortunately there isn't much left of that road for a school bus to stop, nor for children to wait for the bus.
In response to these questions the city
(I am sure after many phone calls) placed a flyer on our doors saying that the bus stop would be moved to the corner of Nordin and Carney. As I came home at 5 pm I saw a man going door to door letting us all know. I am glad they responded to us less than
one day before school started, but we still have to walk our children through the dirt to the school bus stop up the street. Now my son is not old enough to experience this; however I feel for those parents on our street who have worried about it. Good luck in your adventure through the dirt to the school bus stop ahead.
I guess we could say a bus stop--is better than no bus stop at all.