Tonight was another great night from South Ogden Days. The family went to the nature park for the 5K and movie night. Once again I was happy to be in the city that has events like this, but also disappointed in the organization of it all. The races started late, as usual, and the finish line wasn't set up very well. This caused people to run through the park and trample little kids. I noticed the attendance was about half as previous years. I assumed it was because of the monstrous hills that exist in this race. I over heard the Mayor say that it was because of the bad economy. I had to point out that this years economy is better than last years and most of this stuff was free.
Overall, after my rant, we still had fun. My parents placed in their categories and Delena won the grand prize. A Free 6 month's family membership to the club.
More events to come! This Saturday is the parade which always is exciting. Honestly South Ogden does a good job, I am just OCD when it comes to events starting on time.
I haven't posted as often lately....why, well I am starting a new job. There will be more to post about this later.