Thursday, February 5, 2009

HB274 Making Progress - Other Impact Fee Bills

As we discussed in a previous post (See Here) Rep. Wallis has proposed a bill geared towards the assesment of impact fees. This bill has made it through the fiscal analysis office unscathed. It does appear there are some concerned voices out there but things are going well.   A great blog post on Lincoln's Legislitave Blog, written by Lincoln Shurt-The Director of Legislative Affairs, has analyzed not only Rep. Wallis's bill [HB274] but also a few more regarding impact fees.  It is worth a read to fully understand the bills.
Each of the bills mentioned are worth a read, but I am watching SB135 and HB274 closely. Remember Weber County is getting hit hard on impact fees from the Weber Sewer District and future laws could affect those fees.

SB135 - Wants to limit the impact of fees to certain areas or groups instead of spreading it amongs the entire group.  This could very interesting, especially those who will get charged.  Though impact fees can hit hard, it could hit even harder if it is not divided equally and properly.  This will be an interesting one to watch.  You can read the entire bill here: (SB 135)

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