As I contemplated the elections, I realized I know very little with regards to who is running and why. While doing a search for these answers I decided to visit the South Ogden City Website. However, the city has posted limited information about who is running, why, issues, etc.
You can check out the South Ogden election page by following this link: http://www.southogdencity.com/index.php?module=ibcms&fxn=public_notices.candi
For those of who do not want to follow the link here are the names:
2007 Candidates:
John W. Bradley - incumbent
Arlo L. Mueller
Sallee Orr
Shannon P. Sebahar - incumbent
Wayne M. Smith
One can argue that it is not the duty of South Ogden City to post biographical nor additional info for each candidate on their website. Therefore I would like to do my best in helping the city know who they are voting for. If not for your sake, but for my own.Arlo L. Mueller
Sallee Orr
Shannon P. Sebahar - incumbent
Wayne M. Smith
Starting October 10th, I will gather information about each candidate. I will do my best to contact each candidate and ask them the same questions. Their answers will be posted here on the FromWhereISitBlog.Com website. If you have any questions you would like me to submit, please feel free to post your questions here. I want to give each candidate the opportunity to answer the same questions; therefore please comment in the next few days.