Looks like things have changed with regards to SB 199. After much discussion Mr. Bramble has realized the controversy he has caused by banning the PTA from our public schools. The D-News had a quickly little blurb about the compromise: (See Here)
Apparently there is still some strife between PTOs and PTAs; so the bill will still move forward creating equal opportunity to both groups. But at least the fee waivers have been removed and potential disaster averted.
The PTA spoke this morning in the Senate Business and Labor Committee in favor of HB 129 - Alcoholic Beverage Amendments Related to Minor. It reminded me, thought not perfect, the PTA is does many great things for our State.
Good compromise.
That's good. Tell me the difference between PTA and PTO?
Thanks for the post. A PTO stands for Parent Teacher Organization. They are similar in purpose as a PTA but are not connected to a state or national group. Instead they are locally run. Typically they do not charge any dues and do many, if not all the same things as a PTA. There is a toss up which is really the best and they are often talked about as one in the same. Advantages to a PTO, you are not controlled, nor pay dues to a national and state organization. However you do miss out on some of the training and skills of the PTA.
Thanks again for the question.
Ben Joe what is going on with the basketball court? Anything new?
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