Thursday, February 17, 2011

Secondary Water Meter - Weber Basin - City Council Meeting 2-15-2011

During the last city council meeting Jon Andersen, public works director, explained Weber Basin Water has recently received a grant to install water meters on all of it's lines for secondary water.  This grant was given to them to help them monitor and conserve secondary water.

However, I think we can all read between the lines on this one and see what the real purpose is.  Once the meters are in place, they will quickly be able to determine how much they could charge the individual user and make bigger profit than they are now.  Currently we pay for secondary water through our taxes, but we could be moving to a consumption based system very soon.

Realize not everyone one is on Weber Basin Water.  I personally am on Pine View Water.  But I promise Pine View will not be far behind when they realize what is happening.

So the real question is this, how do you want to pay for your water?  Do you want a consumption tax or a flat fee?  Consumption is coming...just watch.  I am sure we will be discussing this again.

Comments always welcome.


TealWren said...

I want a consumption tax! :) This would make people be more serious about conserving water.

Educational Politics in Utah said...

What I didn't like about that piece of information is the council member who turned and said, South Ogden City needs to get in on that. I transate that to mean that South Ogden will tack an additional tax onto the consumption use. That is not a good idea. I am okay, but not fond of consumption payments, but I think that the extra taxes that this council member wants to add is a really bad way to create revenue for the city.

BenJoeM said...


Thanks for bringing up that point. I am fine with a consumption tax if it truly helps develop the real cost of the water and helps others conserve water. But Councilmember Smith suggested they find away to get some of that revenue or double tax. Granted it was a passing comment and is a long ways out.

Either way this is kind of a sneaky way of doing everything.