Sunday, January 25, 2009

Update on Higher Education - Thanks Rep. Wallis.

I had a great conversation with Rep. Brent Wallis today with regards to my last post on education cuts. He informed me the meeting ended with the approval of the proposed 7.5 percent cuts. Good to know since the recording was cut off.

As we discussed the options to help higher education, the esteemed Representative explained now is not the time to deplete our rainy day funds until we know where the bottom is. One suggestion I mentioned was my experience at Dixie State. President Huddleston, former Dixie President, asked all the staff to teach freshman orientation and capstone classes for free. Then he asked all faculty to teach a class for free. He even started teaching accounting courses for free. It was a huge budget reduction in 2002.

Overall it was a productive and informative conversation, thanks Rep. Wallis.

Where do we go from here? Well the proposal now heads to the executive appropriation committee and then on to the legislature. I will keep the readers posted as to the progress of this issue.

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