Wednesday, January 28, 2009

If you wear “Hip-Hop Clothing” – Watch out for Greiner!

Senator Greiner is hoping for a victory as his Senate Bill 16 (See Bill here), Prohibited Gang Activity, pushes through the Senate with little opposition. Though not out of the Senate quite yet, it is one step closer. The Standard Examiner snagged a Daily Herald article on Sen. Greiner's bill this morning. Chief Greiner was more than willing to explain how they would know if people were in a gang, what is the key indicator—Hip Hop Clothing. (See Article Here)

Under SB 16, some officers would receive extra training in identifying gang members. In addition to using a gang registry, Greiner says officers would also use things like tattoos and "hip-hop clothing" to identify gang members."

This represents half the kids in my neighborhood! Seriously, can we not see the civil liberties that are being violated by such a bill? On top of that, we need special training to identify gang related hip-hip clothing. Half the students that will be rallying at the capitol this week will be wearing "Hip-Hip Clothing." What will they do with them? Is Greiner gone make the capitol a gang free zone? As soon as someone protests at the capitol, police can just checking the shirt label for a hip-hop design and force him out. This legislation can easily be abused and is unconstitutional.

Since my Senator is Jon Greiner, I will urge my Rep. to vote against the bill.


G'n'R lives said...

Funny. I like your point of view. Define Hip-hop.... Good Luck

BenJoeM said...

Exactly my point.