Friday, January 9, 2009

Rep. Brent Wallis & 2009 Legislative Survey

Yesterday I received my 2009 Legislative Survey from Rep. Brent Wallis. If you couldn't tell from the first paragraph, the Utah GOP paid for the mailing.  I am very excited that Rep. Wallis is doing everything he can to reach out and learn more of what his constituents feel are priorities. In the survey we are asked to rank our economic priorities for the state and answer questions regarding ethics, immigration and health care reform,etc. My wife and I sat down (since it was addressed to our household) and answered the following:

  • List your Priorities from 1 to 10
  1. Public Education
  2. Higher Education
  3. Transportation
  4. Economic Development
  5. Health care
  6. Public Safety
  7. Environmental Quality
  8. Rainy Day Funds
  9. Tourism
  10. Illegal Immigration
  • How should fill the gap for future road projects
  1. Borrow by bonding
  • Economic Stimulus suggestions
  1. Borrow money to keep road projects going and lower taxes (Counter Cyclical Policies)
  • Prioritize ethic reforms
  1. Personal use of campaign funds.
  2. One year ban before a legislator becomes a lobbyist.
  3. Campaign contribution limits.
  4. Gift ban.
  5. More timely campaign contribution disclosures.
  • Support or Oppose laws for more stringent measures to combat illegal immigration.
  1. Oppose
  • Support or Oppose laws for domestic partnership rights (i.e medical care) for same-sex couples.
  1. Support 
  • How do you feel about health care reform.
  1. We are leaned towards Employer Purchased and Optional Coverage
  • Support or Oppose loosening Utah Liquor laws
  1. Support
  • Support or Oppose legislation for my assessments of property values.
  1. Support

They have also asked for our email addresses, which I hope they will use in the future. Online surveys can be setup very easy and cheaply. In the future he could use those email addresses he has collected to save the GOP money.

On the back side of the survey Brent Wallis announces a town hall meeting on February 12th at 6:30 pm at the South Ogden City Hall. This will be a must attend for South Ogden to meet your representative and discuss the issues of District 10.


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