Saturday, January 10, 2009

South Ogden City Manager speaks out on Sewer Rate Increase

South Ogden City Manager, Scott Darrington, has added a great post to his blog with regards to the rate increase we will all see on our next utility bill. (See Here) Blogger Darrington has done a great job outlining each element of the rate hike and why. There are still some decisions to be made on how this increase will affect the average user. To fully understand the rate increase it is helpful to know how your bill is paid.  Darrington does a great job of explaing this:

"When a resident pays their utility bill a portion of that is for sewer (amongst water, storm drain, and garbage). The sewer portion of your bill is calculated in two ways. The first is a base fee in which no matter how much usage you have that portion of the fee remains the same. The second is based on your water usage. Almost all water usage indoors ends up in the sewer. Therefore the more water you use the more effluent you put into the sewer system. Therefore the more sewage put into the system causes your sewer bill to he higher."

Based on the above rational, you possible could place a variable rate on the usage fee, the more you use, the higher the rate.  Then you would only be charging those who use water, instead of those who don't use.  I am positive Mr. Darrington and his team is considering all options and will come with a great plan.  To find out more attend the public meeting on January 20th at 6 pm.

Central Weber Sewer District Rate Increase - By Scott Darrington

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