Monday, November 24, 2008

Audit Committee Revealed

In doing some research I was able to track down some information about the South Ogden City Audit Committee. Thanks to Scott Darrington, city manager, for helping me gather the information needed.

Essentially the Audit Committee meets twice year. Usually in July (at the beginning of the fiscal year) and again in December (half way through). This committee is comprised of the following:

The Mayor and two Council Members, also the city manager and finance director attend in a supervisory capacity.

Since the committee meets only a couple of times a year and the fact the city hired a new auditor, the schedule has been a little different. Scott Darrington explained with all the changes and limited amount of meeting times, they didn't give it much thought and just recently decided to appoint Mr. Smith for the upcoming meeting. In part I can understand the confusion; however I am still concerned they waited over a year to fill a hole in the committee. This committee has met two times with out all of its members.

What happened to make them realize? Were they sitting there one day in an audit committee meeting and someone said, "Hey! We have an empty chair! Who is missing? Oh....Shannon no longer is on the council...oops!" Or did they have a vote and when Shannon didn't answer they realized they needed a new person.

Then there is the really scary question: Have they even met since then?

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