Monday, September 13, 2010

ACLU Files Motion Against the Sen. Grenier Gang Bill - Salt Lake Tribune

The Salt Lake Tribune reported on Saturday the ACLU has filed a motion against Senator Greiner's Gang Bill.  I have posted a number of blog posts against this piece of legislation in the past and how it is unconstitutional.  Also it has great potential to be used inappropriately to restrict the civil rights of others not just gang members.

Lindsey Whitehurst, Reporter for the Salt Lake Tribune, reports that the ACLU has all recognized the problems in this legislation. She quotes ACLU of Utah Legal Director Darcy Goddard saying:
“Once that individual is so identified, he or she can be stripped of all sorts of fundamental liberties, ranging from the freedoms of association and speech to the right to posses a legal firearm or even a felt-tip marker.”
I couldn't agree with more and I am glad to see the ACLU step in on this topic.

You can read my other posts on this topic here:

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