Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Affordablity of Student Tuition

During yesterday's Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee we were given a great analysis of the USTAR program and also how tuition compares around the state. Our own Rep. Wallis asked a great question of Dave Buhler from the State Board of Regents. Why is the cost so high at our community colleges in comparison with other western schools? He noticed, though most of our Universities are below the WICHI average, our community colleges are not in comparison. Mr. Buhler explained most states use property tax as well as state appropriations and tuition to lower costs. Since we do not allocate any property tax to community colleges, their costs are much higher.

Mr. Wallis stressed a need to have cheaper options here in Utah. The comment was made a number of times that Utah is above the norm when it comes to number of kids in school. Many families have more than two of their children attending college. This can cause a huge burden on families. Efforts need to be made to bring the cost down to allow more people to attend.

I liked where Rep. Wallis was going with this. Maybe it is time to re-look at how we fund these institutions. I am glad we are making efforts to avoid any cuts this year, but how are we going to be able to fund future growth of Higher Education. If not property tax, then something needs to be looked at to give schools more options of funding.

I smell some new legislation in the future for Mr. Wallis on this issue.

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