Tuesday, December 2, 2008

City Council Meeting 12/2/2008 -- Ogden Metro SWAT vs Weber County SWAT

Our local city council had a short and sweet meeting tonight. I would tell you more about the agenda but they forgot to put out the agendas, minutes, etc.

In the short 30 minutes we had for this weeks meeting, a couple of interesting topics arose. I will leave the audit committee, rec center, and skateboarding for another post and head right into the topic of choice. The Ogden City SWAT vs. Weber County SWAT.

Police Chief Val Shupe spoke on a resolution for South Ogden City to enter into an aggreement to work only with the Ogden Metro SWAT. With some disdain he explained how Weber County has formed it's own SWAT, originally to work with the jail, and has expanded into the rest of the county. "I don't know why they have [expanded]," Chief Shupe added. Apparently South Ogden would prefer to work with Ogden Metro SWAT since they have committed men (a total of two) to the eight member team; in addition they know how the Ogden Metro works and their procedures.

Here is my question, why do we have two SWAT teams? Do we need two? Are tax payers in South Ogden, Ogden, and everyone else in Weber County paying for two SWAT teams? Ogden Metro SWAT doesn't even use the Weber County SWAT as a backup, instead they have an agreement to use Layton City SWAT.

Needless to say the city council voted unanimously to enter into the agreement with Ogden Metro SWAT.

The comments after the meeting all revolved around how frustrating it was that Weber County has a SWAT and took members from the Ogden Metro SWAT. Both Chief Shupe and Councilman Wayne Smith talked for a few minutes after about the SWAT predicament and clearly showed their frustration.

Sounds like South Ogden is drawing a line in the sand on who they will work with. It also sounds like everyone in Weber County is paying twice for a SWAT team. From where I sit this doesn't sound right.

What do you all think?

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