Monday, January 31, 2011

SB 44 and Growing Government - Utah Style!

Senator Margaret Dayton wants to make major changes to our independent advisory boards in the state of Utah.  Her proposed Senate Bill 44 (See Here) wants to eliminate the core functions of some of our boards and put them under direct control of the Legislature.  Essentially growing our government and increasing its ability to control opinions of how it is managed. (...Kind of Big Brotherish, don't ya think?)

For example, The Utah Tax Review Commission is an independent advisory board that
"...shall establish an ongoing and comprehensive review of tax laws of this state and the political subdivisions of this state; and all issues related to revenue and taxation; and make recommendations to the governor and the Legislature on specific tax issues..."
However if Miss Dayton's bill goes through she would delete the following:
"...shall establish an ongoing and comprehensive review of tax laws of this state and the political subdivisions of this state; and all issues related to revenue and taxation; and make recommendations to the governor and the Legislature on specific tax issues..."
Then she would add - "AS REQUESTED"  making it say the following:
...shall make recommendations to the governor and the Legislature on specific tax issues as requested...
Meaning, she no longer wants independent advisory boards giving advise to the Legislature.  She only wants info when requested and therefore will make these advisory boards subject to the Legislatures beck and call.  Kind of defeats the purpose of having an independent advisory board and for a Republican from Happy Valley seams a lot like we are increasing the size of government. It is nice when we can do it on a state level, but if the federal government did that to us, all hell would break lose.

Leave the independent boards alone, specifically the Utah Tax Review Commission and the Utah Constitutional Revision Commission.   They should not be subject to your demands and should advise independently as designed.

Comments welcome.

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