Friday, May 8, 2009

Skateboard Ban Hits the big time.

South Ogden City Officials are now under the microscope because of top reporter Brian Mullahy from KUTV 2 news.  He has been investigating a story we have been blogging about for a number of months now.  The ridicules law of illegal skateboarding in South Ogden.  Last night he did a feature on the story and since has posted the full story online.  (See Here)

Mr. Mullahy has done a great job pointing out both sides of this silly argument and has left many to wonder if the the cities concerns have gone to far. Through his investigation he came across our humble blog post on which is worse in South Ogden.  (See Here)  He specifically mentions our blog and the fact South Ogden City code states that killing animals, public indecency, selling beer and fleeing from cops are all lesser crimes than skateboarding on city streets. South Ogden City Police are quick to point out the inaccuracy of the blog post stating killing animals is a felony under state law.  However at the time of our posting it was a Class B Misdemeanor, this law just recently changed and city books still state the city law.  Proving at the time, city officials felt skateboarding was worse than shooting an animal in city limits. 

I had the fortunate opportunity to speak with Council member Vicki Mattson about this issue on Wednesday and she personally told me she would like to come to a solution.  Ms. Mattson mentioned they have identified a few potential locations for possible skate park but funding is the issue. 

How about we stop building a $2 million basketball court that admittedly no one is going to use and instead build a skate park that hundreds of kids will use?  Just a thought.

Today about nine kids were skateboarding in our neighborhood, I was happy to let them keep skating and so was everyone else in our neighborhood.


Mindy, Julia and Connor said...

I live on Adams and there are always skateboarders on my street running the road (we have an awesome hill for boarding). While I don't mind them doing it at all, I do mind that they are never wearing helmuts. Do you know if any law has passed about that? That concerns me more than them riding on the road.

BenJoeM said...

Utah has one of the more relaxed Helmet law than most states. As far as I know bicycle and skateboard helmets are not required. Many states have passed helmet laws with much success. This is a good idea and better than banning skateboarding all together.

Don said...

This law is absolutely ridiculous. If there are skateboarders doing things that are illigal then I am 100% for them getting a citation. Oh my gosh! (or should I say "heck"), I saw a bike without a reflector.... BAN THEM ALL! No wait a car speeding.... BAN ALL CARS! I think you get the picture. This is a dicriminating law that needs to be gone.