Monday, March 24, 2008

Utah political caucuses to be held Tuesday

Utah political caucuses to be held Tuesday - Salt Lake Tribune

Tomorrow is an exciting day in Utah Politics. Both major parties will be holding their Caucus meetings. For those that have never attended nor understand the caucus meeting, this is where some of the real elements of our political world take place. Each county in Utah is divided into precincts. Each precinct will then hold a caucus meeting. At this meeting a chair, vice chair, state and county delegates will be elected. The meeting is attended by people who live in the precinct and have registered to vote (you can register there). The Chairperson runs the meeting and the newly elected chair will run the next meeting in two years. The delegates will vote at either the county or the state conventions of each party.

Many candidates running for state wide offices will begin campaigning heavily to state delegates starting next month. Especially those candidates who will face a primary. The same thing will happen to county delegates and people running for county offices. In 2004 we had nearly eight candidates running for Governor. After the Republican Convention we only had two. The reason? The delegates voted Nolan Karras and Jon Huntsman through to a primary and eliminated the rest. Do you see now why the Delegates are so important? Furthermore do you see why caucus meetings are so important? In major election years, candidates will actually train people to go to caucus meetings and get elected as state delegates. This will increase their chances of winning. The average citizen only gets a say in this process if they attend their caucus meeting and help elect good precinct leadership. The average voter isn't important at this point, the delegates and caucus goers are.

I live in South Ogden 2 or SOG002, and I look forward to my caucus meeting tomorrow to be part of this amazing process.

To find out more go to this website

Also you can go to for republicans for democrats

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